比如说,葡萄酒,盲品的话,普通人分不太出廉价酒和特级酒庄的酒哪个更好喝 1️⃣,甚至干白干红也分不太清——用无味的红色染料把干白染红以后,品酒者就会形容这种酒有干红的香气 2️⃣。即使是专业的品酒专家,对于好酒每次打的分差异也挺大。3️⃣4️⃣
于是科学家就找人做了六把吉他,除了所用木材(黑檀木、印度红木、桃花心木、枫木、 沙比利木 和胡桃木)不同外,其他都一样。然后找来52个吉他手盲测。
1️⃣Sample, I. (2011). Expensive wine and cheap plonk taste the same to most people.O网页链接
2️⃣Morrot, G., Brochet, F., & Dubourdieu, D. (2001). The color of odors. Brain and language, 79(2), 309-320.
3️⃣Hodgson, R. T. (2009). An analysis of the concordance among 13 US wine competitions. Journal of Wine Economics, 4(1), 1-9.
4️⃣Hodgson, R. T. (2008). An examination of judge reliability at a major US wine competition. Journal of Wine Economics, 3(2), 105-113.
5️⃣Fritz, C., Curtin, J., Poitevineau, J., Morrel-Samuels, P., & Tao, F. C. (2012). Player preferences among new and old violins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(3), 760-763.
6️⃣Fritz, C., Curtin, J., Poitevineau, J., Borsarello, H., Tao, F. C., & Ghasarossian, T. (2014). Soloist evaluations of six Old Italian and six new violins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201323367.
7️⃣Carcagno, S., Bucknall, R., Woodhouse, J., Fritz, C., & Plack, C. J. (2018). Effect of back wood choice on the perceived quality of steel-string acoustic guitars. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144(6), 3533-3547.